Tag: snacks
Whole Grain Morning Glory Muffins
Hearty and delicious, these muffins are sure to hit that spot in your soul that you didn’t even know was empty. They have just the right amount of sweetness without making you feel too indulgent. By the way, now that spring is approaching, take some time to bask in the rays — it’s good for…
Caramelized Pecans
These tasty treats pack a sweet nutritional punch! They are quick to make and are perfect for snacking or garnishing your favorite salad or cooked breakfast cereal! Sweet Success! My family and I have all started our personalized anti-inflammatory (LEAP) diet in the past few months and have been amazed by how quickly we have…
Chocolate Covered Raisin Truffles
We commenced our third year of Thomson Academy this August and are enjoying all of our new books! After a laid back approach to learning this summer, we were ready to jump in to a more formal phase of education. It seems, for many people whom I meet, that the beginning of the school year…